Four Areas to Incorporate Self-Care into Your Routine

Self-care is one of the most important contributors of our physical, mental, and emotional health. When we take time to nurture ourself physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually, our whole self benefits. Read on for some light-weight ways to incorporate self-care. 


Sleep, nutrition, and exercise hold great benefits for our mental health. Some studies have found that exercise is the single most impactful lifestyle change an individual can make in their life. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, nourishing yourself with nutrients, and moving your body are all vital ways to practice self-care.

It can be daunting trying to keep up an exercise and nutrition regiment with all of the other obligations that fill our days. Self-care can quickly turn into another “should”- bringing anxiety and guilt. Try gently incorporating small opportunities to move throughout the day. Even stretching for 10 minutes before bed can improve your sleep and leave your body feeling better.

If your schedule doesn’t allow for you to make a homemade healthy meal every night, consider vitamins to supplement your nutrition. These light-weight actions are small but meaningful ways you can practice self-care when you don’t have the margin to take bigger steps.


Our thoughts influence our behaviors, relationships, and overall mental health. Taking small steps to protect our thought life can reap great rewards. Keeping a journal* to process your thoughts, practicing gratitude, and remembering your positive qualities are great examples of self-care related to thought life. This allows more room for healthy thoughts, giving less power to our self-bully that wears down our mental health.

Mental self-care exists in more ways than just our thought patterns. If your work requires you to use a computer for multiple hours in the day, incorporating technology breaks in the day can be a small but impactful way of protecting your mental health. Similarly, engaging in a relaxing hobby gives your mind space to decompress and help prevent burnout from other obligations.


Healthy social connections are a human need and has positive effects on our overall mental health. When you’re feeling disconnected, an easy way to take care of your health is to reach out to a friend. Texting someone you care about to ask how they’re doing can take your mind off of your current stressors and help you emotionally engage with another. Although your stressors will still exist, mentally disengaging with stressors to connect with a friend can provide temporary relief, renew your energy to reengage with life’s difficulties.


Spiritual self-care is often forgotten but can be one of the most impactful ways of nurturing yourself. While spirituality may seem abstract, there are practical ways to incorporate spiritual self-care into your routine. Spending time in nature is one great way to spiritually rest and recharge. Taking time to meditate, participate in mindfulness, or pray can also help center yourself and relieve symptoms of anxiety.

Our mental health improves when we live out of our core beliefs, living life more congruent with what we value and are important to us.

A Final Note

Self-care is meant to be joyful and restful. As you build more self-care into your routine it will be important to guard against it becoming another “should” that weighs you down. Keep these self-care routines light and easy, without burdening yourself with “shoulds” and you’ll reap the benefits!

* Under our “Resource” Tab on this website, you can buy a MindJournal that gives helpful guidance to your journaling experience.

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